hit the big time là gì

Mang nghĩa "thời cho tới, vận may, cực kỳ trở thành công"

=to become very famous and successful/the big time great success in a profession, especially the entertainment business

Bạn đang xem: hit the big time là gì

  • The fashion designer hit the big time in 1935, when he was chosen to tát design the Duchess of Gloucester's wedding dress.

  • Football has hit the big time in my country, thanks to tát widespread television broadcasts

  • a bit-part actor who finally made/hit the big time

  • She finally hit the big time (= became famous or successful) with her latest novel.

  • You've really made the big time now (= become famous or successful).

  • Mafalda used to tát work in a supermarket. Then she hit the big time and she got a job as the star actress in a movie. (IELTS TUTOR giải thích: Mafalda trước đó tiếp tục thao tác làm việc cho 1 khu chợ. thình lình cô ấy trở thành cực kỳ thành công xuất sắc và là nữ giới minh tinh ma mùng chúng ta nhập một cỗ phim)